Sander: Missionaries in Columbia

The South Coast leadership retreat outside of Montería, and the North Coast leadership retreat outside of Barranquilla, truly were times of spiritual refreshment and renewal as, amazingly, every leader was able to be present and participate in these two regional events. New leadership was chosen for the next four years for each conference. Thank you for praying with us for the time we had together, as this is something we haven’t been able to do since 2019. We focused on how we are being and living out the Christ between us.
Thank you for your prayers for those Pacto leaders who were elected to national leadership roles and are taking on the responsibility of leadership for the next few years as the FIPEC National Covenant Church faces the challenges of accompanying its communities amidst the economic and social realities. The newly elected leaders have already been at work, holding two national zoom meetings, getting organized as a national board, and vision casting for church planting and potential national projects that will be undertaken during their four-year tenure together. Pastor Luis Barrientos, the newly elected president, has been well prepared to take on this leadership role – as we mentioned in our last ministry update “Confirmed by Everyone”.
We praise God for good news! As we left our housing unit yesterday, a new friend, Monica, told us that she had received her job promotion. Monica is employed in a highly male dominated profession and had been working toward her promotion for five years. A few weeks back we noticed that Monica was looking discouraged and scared. We spoke with her, Mary Lou spent four hours sharing with her, and we committed to pray with her about her job and life situation. So, yesterday, being able to Praise God with her and for her good news, was a boost we used as we moved through the day with a lightness in our steps
Alaskan Christian College
The mission of Alaska Christian College is to empower Alaska Natives through biblically-based higher education and Christian formation to pursue excellence in character, learning, and service as followers of Christ. For more information, visit their website at LCC provides collaboration and funding to this mission. If you would like to give, here is their giving page:
Covenant World Relief and Development
The Evangelical Covenant Church is committed to the whole mission of God – extending the whole gospel to the whole world. Through global partnerships and our global personnel, we facilitate the practice of the five mission priorities of the Evangelical Covenant Church: make and deepen disciples, start and strengthen churches, develop leaders, love mercy and do justice, and serve globally—that is, join the rest of the global church in engaging in God’s mission across cultures and around the world through:
— equipping local congregations for mission;
— training the people of God through formal and informal theological education;
— sending missionaries to strategic places;
— and cultivating partnerships with churches and organizations in strategic contexts. LEARN MORE