Welcome to the Children & Youth Ministry page at LCC!
All kids and youth are welcome to join us for our Wednesday and Sunday Bible studies and monthly events we hold together. Our hope is that we can grow together in Christ and Biblical understanding and that we can learn how to grow as disciples in the world.
We do this by spending time in God’s word, spending time together in fellowship and learning how to serve others and help the community around us.
Here are some of the things the youth will discover at LCC:
- Bible Memory work
- Knowing the books of the bible
- Curriculum for Sunday School is the Gospel Project
- Retreats
- Fun games and events at the church
For parents with younger children there is nursery during Sunday School.
Please click on the calendar for all the upcoming events and bring your friends and family!
Weekly Activities
Sunday School: September through May
- 9:00-10:00 am Classes
Sunday Worship Options
- Nursery (full worship service)
- PrayGround (Children stay in the worship service and participate through crafts and dialogue)
- Worship bags
Wednesday Night Together: September through April
- Middle School Jr. High Youth Group @ 6:30pm preceded by dinner at 5:30)
- Everything finishes at 7:45pm