So glad you have taken the time to visit our Youth Ministry page. Here at Libertyville Covenant Church, we are committed to helping students understand that they are loved by God, saved by Christ, and called to live a new life in a broken and hurting world. Below you will find several offerings for our Junior and Senior High to connect with God and with each other. From weekly Sunday School, youth group, retreats, and service projects, there are numerous possibilities.
The retelling of the Easter Story:
Confirmation: Sundays (Grades 6-8) 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Sunday Mornings, Middle School students are welcome to join Pastor Steve Larson and Angela Kocinski for Confirmation/Sunday school. Come at any time and enjoy the journey of faith to foster a deep and abiding relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by encouraging participants to begin, or intentionally continue, a life-long journey as Christ’s disciple.
The focus of The Journey curriculum used is twofold. First, students have an opportunity to learn the truths of the Christian faith, through the stories of the Bible, and through the ongoing work of the church. Second, students have an opportunity to develop discipling relationships with pastors, mentors and parents. The focus is not only to learn what the Bible says, but to commune with God through the Word and through mentoring relationships. Both are for the purpose of developing a growing relationship with Christ and helping students learn to articulate what they believe about the Bible’s message, and how faith in Christ translates into living out God’s will in the world.
Youth Group: Wednesdays (Grades 6-8) 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Please contact the Youth Director Jim Pas or the office with any questions.
Sunday School: Sundays (Grades 9-12) 9:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m. Weekly students engage in meaningful discussion and study of God’s Word together with an intent of growing in their relationship with God and neighbors. Students are invited to bring questions they wrestle with as well as topics to be considered for our studies together throughout the year. This Fall, we are currently diving into the Gospel of John, discussing–among other things–what makes this story of Jesus’ life different than the other three. We hope you will come and be part of the group–no prior bible knowledge needed!
Senior High Youth Group: Sundays (Grades 9-12) 5:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m.
This is where we hang out.