Upcoming Events

Immerse – Poets
In the Covenant Church, we do our theology together in community because we need each other to grow in our faith. In 2025, we enter into another season of Immerse, a time for all of us as a church to read the bible together and discuss what we’re learning. This year, we will be reading the Poets, the songbooks and wisdom writings of the Old Testament. Reading the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, and Lamentations for 10 minutes each day gives us a new perspective on God’s beauty and work in our world and our lives.
Step 1: Get your book – Books are available on the table in the lobby for $10/book.
Step 2: Sign up for a small group – Sign up is available on the Immerse table.
Step 3: Invite others to join you in your Immerse journey. Friends, family, neighbors, fellow students, coworkers…you don’t have to be part of LCC to join us for Immerse.
Please contact Pastor Steve or the church office with questions, to reserve a book, or to
sign up for a small group.
Monthly Midweek Ministry
One Wed. night each month, four churches (so far!) are gathering for a combined dinner, children’s ministry, Middle School youth group, and adult fellowship time. We begin with dinner for everyone at 5:30 pm, then our children gather for God’s Wonder Lab: Jesus Does the Impossible, our Middle Schoolers gather for time to game, talk, and grow together, and our adults meet upstairs for crafts or board/card games or just to get to know each other. Looking for a safe, fun, growing community? Join us on Apr. 2, or May 7.
Adult Sunday School/ Bible Study Opportunites
Each Sunday at 9 am we have a choice to attend one of the following:
- Women’s Sunday School – This class will meet in the fellowship hall for the current topic “No Worries: Learning to Trust our Sovereign God”. This study will lead us through scripture and help us learn how to walk in God’s truth and trust Him, eliminating our need to worry. He has great blessings for us if only we will trust Him. This class is led by Michelle Pas.
- Adult Sunday School– This class will meet in the sanctuary to discuss our reading in the Poets of the bible through our Immerse work. Paul Hawkinson leads this class.
In addition to these Sunday morning gatherings, please remember our two-midweek offerings:
- Men’s Bible Study – Each Friday at 7 am via Zoom the intriguing study of the book of 1 Peter is being offered. Please get in touch with Wes Lindahl for more information.
- Women’s Bible Study – Each Thursday at 9:15am we will study the book of Mark. Study guides are now available in the church office for $9.50. Please contact Linda Youngman for additional information.