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Feb. 9 – Thoughts on Lev. 6-7 & Matt. 25:1-30

We’ve been thanking God that so far our family has avoided the flu bug that has hit with such virulence.  With flu shots, immediate quarantine of the slightest sniffle, and a strictly regimented hand washing routine, we’ve been able to get away with a quickly treated sinus infection and nothing more.  But the infectious nature of this year’s flu strains seems to be worse than previous years. Watching the Israelites deal with the infectious nature […]

Feb. 9 – Thoughts on Lev. 6-7 & Matt. 25:1-30

We’ve been thanking God that so far our family has avoided the flu bug that has hit with such virulence.  With flu shots, immediate quarantine of the slightest sniffle, and a strictly regimented hand washing routine, we’ve been able to get away with a quickly treated sinus infection and nothing more.  But the infectious nature of this year’s flu strains seems to be worse than previous years. Watching the Israelites deal with the infectious nature […]

Feb. 8 – Thoughts on Lev. 4-5 & Matt. 24:29-51

The word of the day is… “unintentional”. That word never worked when I was a kid.  I claimed the broken window was “unintentional”.  I watched the third of two TV shows I was allowed, but it was “unintentional”.  And forgetting to take out the trash?  Again?  Yup, that was “unintentional” too.  To my credit, often these things weren’t planned out, or deviously prepared.  They just happened, and so were “unintentional”.  But that never meant I […]

Feb. 8 – Thoughts on Lev. 4-5 & Matt. 24:29-51

The word of the day is… “unintentional”. That word never worked when I was a kid.  I claimed the broken window was “unintentional”.  I watched the third of two TV shows I was allowed, but it was “unintentional”.  And forgetting to take out the trash?  Again?  Yup, that was “unintentional” too.  To my credit, often these things weren’t planned out, or deviously prepared.  They just happened, and so were “unintentional”.  But that never meant I […]

Feb. 7 – Thoughts on Lev. 1-3 & Matt. 24:1-28

The Rapture has fascinated Christian imaginations since the late 1800’s when an Australian pastor developed the idea.  The thought is that at some point in time, God will take all the good people up to heaven while the bad people will remain on earth as it falls to ruin, prey for the myriad apocalyptic disasters mentioned (or even hinted at) in the rest of the bible. Today’s New Testament passage is one of the foundational […]