With daily devotionals written by congregation members, our Advent Devotional Book is a wonderful way to keep our focus on Jesus this season. There are daily readings every weekday on verses that will lead us in to the following Sunday’s worship service. But we recognize that some people worship better through pictures than through words, so on Saturdays we have pictures for prayer ponderings created by Nicholas Markell (© 2012 Nicholas Markell | Eyekons). We hope and pray that these offerings will bless your Advent season.
It is with joy and thanksgiving that we announce a candidate for the senior pastor position at Libertyville Covenant Church! By unanimous vote of the committee on June 17, 2014, Pastor Steven Larson was asked to come to Libertyville for a weekend to meet the congregation and preach on Sunday morning.
Download Mp3 Audio: LCC-20140629.mp3
[embedit snippet=”62914-sermon-video-mission-friends”]
Per the by-laws, there will be a congregational meeting on Sunday, July 6, 2014, immediately following the worship service, at which church members will discuss and vote on extending a formal call. Absentee ballots will be made available to members who are not able to attend.