Summer is over, but our Fall season is just beginning!  And it all begins with…

fall kickoffFall KickOff 2016!!

9:15am        Everyone meets in the sanctuary for music, drama and an introduction to our teachers and themes

10:30am     We worship together, introducing our fall sermon series called “Promises”.  Nursery and Children’s Church are available.

12:00pm     After worship, we gather on the Hill for a Kickoff picnic!  Food (bring a side dish to share), games, and fun for all ages!

Looking for a church home?  We’d love to meet you, so come out and see what we’re all about.

Our September newsletter is now available!  To download it, click here.


Here is this week’s Drive Home Newsletter! This week was a hard but important message. Praying for blessings on your conversations this week! Click here to download it:

The Drive Home Newsletter August 21st