pastor-searchThe committee has reviewed two separate batches of names received from our Central Conference superintendent, Jerome Nelson.  Several candidates were identified and contacted.  At this time they are not ready to be involved in a call process.  We are also pursuing a parallel track where we are identifying our own prospects.  The last two pastors at LCC were chosen using this method.  Right now we are using our networks to identify prospects, along with studying denomination data to search for churches and pastors who fit our profile.

Please remember to pray for our church, this committee and for the pastor that God already knows will come to serve us.



October was a busy month, as the committee met with Supt. Jerome Nelson for the second time and prayerfully began reviewing the profiles of more than 30 Covenant pastors for evaluation. These names came to the committee from a variety of sources, including recommendations from several conference superintendents, ideas from members of the congregation, and profiles that were suggested by a software program that matches our church profile against the entire database of ordained Covenant pastors. Committee members have proceeded to begin learning both about these pastors and about the churches they have recently served, and several additional meetings will be held in November. Please keep the committee, its work, and all of these pastors in your prayers this month.

job decriptionOn Tuesday October 1st, the Search Committee will be meeting with Conference Superintendent, Jerome Nelson.  At this time, Jerome will be forwarding his first group of candidates to our committee.  The candidates will be screened by a multiple step process.

The first step would be to compare the candidate  to the requirements in our job description.  The job description is available by clicking below.


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search pngHurray!  The Pastoral Search Committee has completed the first stage of our search process.  We have completed our on-line church profile, including our updated job description.

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The Pastoral Search Committee has been meeting regularly and is making good progress.  We have 3 sub-committees working on the main tasks required:

  • Completing the church profile
  • Writing a job description
  • Incorporating the information from the staff interviews that were completed

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