For more information and online registration, click here.
Upcoming event info
Join us every Wed. night starting June 15 for our Summer Fun Nights. Beginning with a potluck dinner at 5:30pm on the Hill (bring a side/salad/dessert to share), each night will have it’s own games and activities for everyone. From our toddlers to our seasoned folk, everyone will have a place at the Summer Fun Nights. There will be water balloons, game shows, concerts, olympic games, nature walks, bike riding, bocce and much more. Here is a booklet with details about each night. Hope to see you there!
Want a wonderful evening out full of food, laughter and friends? Then join us on Jan. 9 at 5:30pm for the Covenant Comedy Cafe! Beginning with a catered dinner followed up with a night of comedy and music by comedians Bean and Bailey, this promises to be a night you won’t forget. Tickets are $25 (or $15 for just the show) and childcare is provided. Bring the whole family and laugh the winter blues away. Click here to request tickets.
Join us on Christmas Eve as we hear the story, sing our praises, and celebrate our Messiah’s birth. Through candles and hymns, stories and songs, we join together in community to worship Immanuel, God with us. Our services are at 4pm and 10pm with childcare provided at both.