Early this year the council approved the plan to replace the carpet in the sanctuary as it is in dire need of replacement and is becoming a safety concern in some are as. We have the funds to move forward on this capital improvement and it will not require additional fund raising efforts at this time. We do plan however to have a larger capital campaign fund raising effort in the spring for other capital improvements in 2015. As part of our sanctuary improvements we will also be installing a loop system within the sanctuary for those with hearing assistant devices. More details will be coming in the future but the Council wanted to give you an update of their current progress. We appreciate the work of our Trustees and Neale Murray who have been researching and coordinating this project. We anticipate the sanctuary work will be completed by Thanksgiving. Memorial Funds have been designated to be used for the loop system and general funds have been set aside for the carpet.
- Those with health concerns: Barb Zienty, Frank Bulawa, Sheri DeJong, Peter Chang
- The families of Beth Murray and Chuck Walles as they grieve the passing of their loved ones
- Our Sr. High students and counselors as they begin preparing for CHIC and will be going to Covenant Harbor on retreat this coming weekend
- Beau, and his parents Logan and Kara, (family of Barb Hermann) as he struggles from complications of a premature birth
- Solid Rock Discipleship Program participants, including Rachel McLinden and Brian Zahasky, who will be leaving on Tuesday for 13 days of travel in Israel
- Elder Lindahl, father of Wes, who is hospitalized due to a fall.
- Those with health concerns: Barb Zienty, Jon Olson, Frank Bulawa, Sheri DeJong
- The Jr. High youth and counselors at their Covenant Point Retreat this weekend
- Feed My Starving Children and the children they serve
- Neale and Marilyn Murray and Kelly as they mourn the passing of their daughter and sister, Beth
- Chuck Walles who is now in hospice care.