In the month of April, you have the chance to choose our sermon topics for this summer.  Is there something you’ve always wanted to know from scripture or a topic that confuses you?  Let us know! We only have one rule about your suggestion.  This needs to be something you want to know more about for your own growth, not something you want others to know more about.  “They need to hear about…” is the wrong motive for your suggestion!

At the end of April, we’ll choose 8 topics from those submitted and build our series around them.  Click here to submit your question, topic, or suggestion, and see you this summer in worship!

Our online giving portal is now live!  This means you can give your tithe online from anywhere in the world or set up automatic payments like you do with other e-bills or your bank. There are different options based on how you would like to give, but the most efficient is the “general giving fund” which is where your tithe on Sunday is typically is designated. We will be discussing more details in January after the busyness of the holidays, but we wanted to provide the link for those who may be traveling in December or wanted to start giving online immediately. To give online, simply go to the LCC website and click “online giving” on the menu on the right hand side. Thank you for your ongoing support!

If you shop through, use instead and designate LCC as the charity on the opening screen.  Then, at no extra cost to you, a small percentage of all you spend will be donated back to LCC!

On Sunday, May 5, we will celebrate the Confirmation of three of our youth with worship and fellowship.  Join us at 10:30am for worship where we will hear their testimonies, share in the Lord’s Supper, and worship together.  Then stay for a special coffee hour in their honor.

Our Easter morning celebration kicks off at 9:15am on April 21 with an Easter Breakfast sponsored by our Alaska Mission Team.  At 10am is our first annual LCC Easter Egg Hunt (outside if it’s nice, inside if not).  We continue the celebration at 10:30am with our Resurrection Sunday Worship, including our praise team, organ, Sanctuary Brass, choir, and more.  And we finish off the morning with a special coffee hour led by our Leadership Team.  Everyone is invited and welcome!