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This year, we will be focusing on the first of our three Mission Priorities, “Growing Disciples”.  We’ll kick off our year on Aug. 18 and want to invite you to join us!

9:15am        Everyone meets outside on the Hill (if rain: in the sanctuary) for music, fun, and an introduction to our teachers and theme.

10:30am     We worship together, introducing our fall sermon series “Growing Disciples”.  Nursery and Children’s Church are available.

12:00pm         After worship, we gather on the Hill for a Kickoff picnic!  Food (bring a side dish to share), lawn and water games, a Giant Slip-n-Slide, and fun for all ages!

Every Sunday night in June and July, join us on The Hill behind the church at 7pm for music from our Praise Team, a time of prayer, and a look at how Jesus interacted with the people in His life.  Bring a blanket, a picnic or snack, a friend, or just yourself.  Every Summer Sunday is followed by S’mores over the campfire.  This event is sponsored by the Covenant Churches of Lake County (Libertyville Covenant, Redeemer Life, and New Abbey) and is a great time to come meet some new people.  It’s a casual night in the beauty of nature.  No RSVP necessary.

Every Sunday night in June and July, join us on The Hill behind the church at 7pm for music from our Praise Team, a time of prayer, and a look at how Jesus interacted with the people in His life.  Bring a blanket, a picnic or snack, a friend, or just yourself.  Every Summer Sunday is followed by S’mores over the campfire.  This event is sponsored by the Covenant Churches of Lake County (Libertyville Covenant, Redeemer Life, and New Abbey) and is a great time to come meet some new people.  It’s a casual night in the beauty of nature.  No RSVP necessary.

Our online giving portal is now live!  This means you can give your tithe online from anywhere in the world or set up automatic payments like you do with other e-bills or your bank. There are different options based on how you would like to give, but the most efficient is the “general giving fund” which is where your tithe on Sunday is typically is designated. We will be discussing more details in January after the busyness of the holidays, but we wanted to provide the link for those who may be traveling in December or wanted to start giving online immediately. To give online, simply go to the LCC website and click “online giving” on the menu on the right hand side. Thank you for your ongoing support!

If you shop through, use instead and designate LCC as the charity on the opening screen.  Then, at no extra cost to you, a small percentage of all you spend will be donated back to LCC!