Men of LCC! It’s that time of year again: time to get to know each other better as we spend 12 hours in a car, time to ski and snowshoe and broomball and trapshoot, time to play games and sing songs, and time to worship together. Yes, it’s time for the Covenant Point Men’s Retreat!
We need to know how many vans we need for the trip, so please sign up asap, but definitely no later than Feb. 17th. You can register by clicking HERE, but please let us know you’re going so we can arrange housing and transportation together. While all who can make it early will leave at 1pm, there is usually a group who leaves later as well.
Remember the fun we had last year? Jay’s stories around the fire? Larry showing off his shooting skills? Youngki on cross country skis? Our amazing victory in broomball (a victory that nobody got hurt!)? Sign up today and let’s grow together!