In seminary, we studied this passage about the rich man and Jesus, and I proposed a new interpretation.  I suggested that the rich man “went away sad” not because (1) he was wealthy and (2) unwilling to give that wealth away, but rather that (1) he was wealthy and (2) he was going to HAVE to give it away.  I suggested that the ultimate outcome of the young man was sorrowful salvation rather than the assumed sorrowful damnation.  My teacher said that this didn’t fit the disbelief of the disciples or thousands of years of history.  I still wonder.

Regardless of “the rest of the story”, it fascinates me how quickly we who are rich rationalize away this passage.  “We just have to be WILLING to give away all we have, not actually do it,” we say.  “Jesus was using hyperbole, exaggeration,” we say.  “This was just a teachable moment for Jesus to tell us that money should be less important that He is,” we say.  The poor have no problem with this passage, only the rich.  And that may teach us more about our general rules for interpreting scripture than the parable itself does.

Each one of us draws a line through scripture, both Old and New Testaments, a line that delineates which passages are teachings we must follow and which we may ignore.  On one side are timeless truths and commands of Jesus, and on the other are teachings bound to that time period, or culture, or interpretation.  The great interpretive question we must ask ourselves is this: how do we determine which side each passage lies on?  Passages like this one, which speak against our comfort are too easily dismissed as cultural or hyperbole.  Passages saying that God blesses us with wealth are too easily accepted as timeless truths.

As we read the Old Testament texts this week, let me suggest that you look for this tendency in yourself.  Which of the commands God gave Moses do you follow and which do you not follow?  And more importantly, why?

Oh, to be an obedient Christian.  We get very worked up about others who don’t obey God’s law, all the while ignoring the fact that most of us not only disobey the basic commandments of Ex. 20 but do so without batting an eyelash.  Do we truly have no other God’s before Yahweh and put Him first in everything we do?  Do we ever misuse God’s name meaning do we do anything wrong and either excuse it or blame it on being God’s people?  How many of us remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy?  Do we really have a day each week where we do no work?  at all?  Where we dedicate the day to resting up and remembering God?  Honoring your father and mother meant caring for them financially, emotionally, and legally in their old age when they couldn’t care for themselves.  Do we all do that, or do we rely on their nursing homes, their 401Ks or their savings to do it for us?  Do we ever lie about our neighbors or friends?  Do we ever want what others have rather than being satisfied with what God has given us?

An interesting exercise for us today.  In Matt. 5-7, the famous Sermon on the Mount that we read together a few weeks ago, Jesus took some of the commandments (don’t kill, don’t commit adultery) and increased the restrictions and focused them on attitude rather than behavior (don’t even be angry, don’t even lust).  What might Jesus have said about the other 8 Commandments in this section?  How might He have changed them to increase the restrictions and focus them on attitude?  Let’s try one together.  “You have heard it said, ‘You shall not steal’, but I tell you don’t even desire another person’s possessions.  Instead, give thanks to your Father in heaven for the bountiful blessings He has given you.”

Try the other 7 and see what you get.  Then remember that we cannot be perfect (the last command of that particular section of the Sermon on the Mount) and that God forgives us when we’re not.

Oh, to be an obedient Christian.  We get very worked up about others who don’t obey God’s law, all the while ignoring the fact that most of us not only disobey the basic commandments of Ex. 20 but do so without batting an eyelash.  Do we truly have no other God’s before Yahweh and put Him first in everything we do?  Do we ever misuse God’s name meaning do we do anything wrong and either excuse it or blame it on being God’s people?  How many of us remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy?  Do we really have a day each week where we do no work?  at all?  Where we dedicate the day to resting up and remembering God?  Honoring your father and mother meant caring for them financially, emotionally, and legally in their old age when they couldn’t care for themselves.  Do we all do that, or do we rely on their nursing homes, their 401Ks or their savings to do it for us?  Do we ever lie about our neighbors or friends?  Do we ever want what others have rather than being satisfied with what God has given us?

An interesting exercise for us today.  In Matt. 5-7, the famous Sermon on the Mount that we read together a few weeks ago, Jesus took some of the commandments (don’t kill, don’t commit adultery) and increased the restrictions and focused them on attitude rather than behavior (don’t even be angry, don’t even lust).  What might Jesus have said about the other 8 Commandments in this section?  How might He have changed them to increase the restrictions and focus them on attitude?  Let’s try one together.  “You have heard it said, ‘You shall not steal’, but I tell you don’t even desire another person’s possessions.  Instead, give thanks to your Father in heaven for the bountiful blessings He has given you.”

Try the other 7 and see what you get.  Then remember that we cannot be perfect (the last command of that particular section of the Sermon on the Mount) and that God forgives us when we’re not.