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The Drive Home Newsletter 6/5/16

This week’s Drive Home newsletter has a bit of a challange! The kids are recording a special video to help tell the “Twice” story and we need your families help! We need you to go on a photo scavenger hunt and send the pictures you take to me by Wednesday if you can! The details […]

The Drive Home Newsletter 5/29/16

This week’s Drive Home newsletter has a bit of a challange! The kids are recording a special video to help tell the “Twice” story and we need your families help! We need you to go on a photo scavenger hunt and send the pictures you take to me by Wednesday if you can! The details […]

Build-a-Boat and Lunch

Hello LCC folks! Please join us after church on June 12th from 11:30-2pm for a pizza lunch and boat building session! We will get to experience what it is like to make a boat like the boy from the parable and can use this boat to share the good news of Jesus! Boats are $10 […]