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Jan. 18 – Thoughts on Gen. 43-45 & Matt. 12:24-50

While Joseph is making everything right again in our OT text, Jesus is pointing out just how wrong things have gotten with the Pharisees in our NT text.  With such ringing accusations as, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand,” and “a tree […]

Jan. 18 – Thoughts on Gen. 43-45 & Matt. 12:24-50

While Joseph is making everything right again in our OT text, Jesus is pointing out just how wrong things have gotten with the Pharisees in our NT text.  With such ringing accusations as, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand,” and “a tree […]

Jan. 17 – Thoughts on Gen. 41-42 & Matt. 12:1-23

Joseph, often considered a thoughtlessly arrogant character, seem to have learned about both God and himself through his many adventures.  The boy who told his family that he had a dream where they all bowed down to him, who flaunted the fact that he was his father’s favorite, becomes the man God uses to save […]

Jan. 17 – Thoughts on Gen. 41-42 & Matt. 12:1-23

Joseph, often considered a thoughtlessly arrogant character, seem to have learned about both God and himself through his many adventures.  The boy who told his family that he had a dream where they all bowed down to him, who flaunted the fact that he was his father’s favorite, becomes the man God uses to save […]

Jan. 16 – Thoughts on Gen. 39-40 & Matt. 11

Is there something you want to do for God but you’re waiting for some change to come along before you do it?  “I’ll serve you, Lord, as soon as I’m done with this time-consuming project.”  “I’ll give more to church, Lord, as soon as I get that raise.”  “I’ll come to worship again, Lord, once […]