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Jan. 13 – Thoughts on Gen. 31-32 & Matt. 9:18-38

Our God is an intimate God and He always has been.  People tend to characterize God in the Old Testament as distant and aloof, a rule-giver and judge, but then characterize God in the New Testament as near and intimate, a grace-giver and friend.  Then they proclaim that God doesn’t change.  This last statement is […]

Jan. 13 – Thoughts on Gen. 31-32 & Matt. 9:18-38

Our God is an intimate God and He always has been.  People tend to characterize God in the Old Testament as distant and aloof, a rule-giver and judge, but then characterize God in the New Testament as near and intimate, a grace-giver and friend.  Then they proclaim that God doesn’t change.  This last statement is […]

Jan. 12 – Thoughts on Gen. 29-30 & Matt. 9:1-17

Poor Leah.  Her very name meant weariness or languor, and her only real description is as one who had “weak eyes”.  This wasn’t a comment on her eyesight but rather on their appearance.  The eyes were the center of beauty in the Eastern world and so having “dull or bleary eyes” as is here described was a […]

Jan. 12 – Thoughts on Gen. 29-30 & Matt. 9:1-17

Poor Leah.  Her very name meant weariness or languor, and her only real description is as one who had “weak eyes”.  This wasn’t a comment on her eyesight but rather on their appearance.  The eyes were the center of beauty in the Eastern world and so having “dull or bleary eyes” as is here described was a […]