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Relax. Rest. Renew.

January 20th   9 a.m.—12:30 p.m. You’re invited to an unhurried time Relax. Rest. Renew. Pastor Bob Tenglin, spiritual director, will facilitate the adults. And your children are invited to their own special retreat, held in our church’s lower level, while you retreat upstairs.  Cost: $10 adults, $5 per child, ($20 max per family). Bring your spouse or […]

Relax. Rest. Renew.

January 20th   9 a.m.—12:30 p.m. You’re invited to an unhurried time Relax. Rest. Renew. Pastor Bob Tenglin, spiritual director, will facilitate the adults. And your children are invited to their own special retreat, held in our church’s lower level, while you retreat upstairs.  Cost: $10 adults, $5 per child, ($20 max per family). Bring your spouse or […]

Jan. 1 – Thoughts on Gen. 1-3 & Matt. 1

God creates everything with intention.  Nothing God creates is accidental, meaningless, or purposeless.  As God creates the universe, He first creates the Setting and then the Players.  Day 1 (Light and darkness) parallels Day 4 (sun, moon, stars).  Day 2 (waters and sky) parallels Day 5 (fish and birds).  Day 3 (land) parallels Day 6 […]

Jan. 1 – Thoughts on Gen. 1-3 & Matt. 1

God creates everything with intention.  Nothing God creates is accidental, meaningless, or purposeless.  As God creates the universe, He first creates the Setting and then the Players.  Day 1 (Light and darkness) parallels Day 4 (sun, moon, stars).  Day 2 (waters and sky) parallels Day 5 (fish and birds).  Day 3 (land) parallels Day 6 […]


Christmas Eve Worship Times

Join us for worship on Dec. 24! Our 4th Advent Worship Service is at 10:30am focused on the theme of Waiting for the God of Redemption. Our Annual Christmas Eve Candlelight service is at 4:00pm with the Christmas story, carols, a special children’s message, and the sermon, “Waiting No More!” With special music and messages […]