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On-line Giving is Here!

Thanks to support from Central Conference, we now have our on-line giving portal active and ready to use!  You can access the portal on our website by going to the MAIN PAGE and looking on the right hand side under the CONNECT section.

The Price of Sparrows

Luke 12:1-12 (click to display NIV text) July 14, 2013 Pastor Dwight A. Nelson “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Indeed, not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Jesus said that in his […]


Have you completed your survey?

The Search Committee appreciates your responses to the survey recently sent to members and friends electronically. Hard copies are available at the Information Center. Please complete the survey by July 21st as this is a key piece in determining potential pastoral candidates. If you have questions, contact any member of the search committee.


Interim Pastor Selected!

On behalf of the Council and the Transition committee we are pleased to announce that Rev. Robert K. Tenglin will begin service as our new Interim Pastor on September 3, 2013. Bob stated: “I am honored and humbled to be called, and pray that I will, by and with the grace of God, serve the […]