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“Who Can Forgive Sin?”

Luke 5:17-26 (click to display NIV text) Feb. 17, 2013: First Sunday in Lent Pastor Dwight A. Nelson “When Jesus saw their faith, he said, ‘Friend, your sins are forgiven.’ The Pharisees and teachers of the Law began thinking to themselves, ‘Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?’ ” […]

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Summer Camping

Covenant Point and Covenant Harbor Summer Camps fill up fast & the Early Bird Discount Deadline is March 15th. LCC Scholarship/Discount Forms are at the Information Desk.   Check the camp websites for details covenantharbor.org or cpbc.com.  We want to know which weeks your kids will be at camp this summer.

Annual Meeting Delegates

If you would be willing to serve as a delegate to our Central Conference Annual Meeting in Dolton, IL, April 26-27, 2013 or to our Denominational Meeting In Detroit, MI, June 27-30, 2013, please contact the church office or Trevor James ([email protected]) as soon as possible.