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Oct. 5 – Thoughts on Isa. 23-25 & Phil. 1

The Apostle Paul had an incredible and envious outlook on life, the universe, and everything.  While many of us say that spreading the gospel is the most important thing in life, Paul actually believed it.  And the difference is not in how loud, or often, or scholastically we say it, but in how we live […]

Oct. 4 – Thoughts on Isa. 20-22 & Eph. 6

It breaks my heart and angers my soul to hear about the multitude of clergy who have fallen.  From sexual abuse to sexual immorality, from financial misdeeds to marital infidelity, I often feel like every week we see a new clergy person fall.  My heart breaks for them as sinful human beings (just like me) […]

Oct. 3 – Thoughts on Isa. 17-19 & Eph. 5:17-33

Ephesians 5 is a chapter with a very distinct outline, and knowing this outline helps us greatly in our interpretation of some of Paul’s more confusing teachings.  Based on the grammar and wording Paul uses, here is the outline as I see it, beginning in verse 15 Title:  Be very careful how you live (v.15) […]

Oct. 2 – Thoughts on Isa. 14-16 & Eph. 5:1-16

Today’s reading contains two of the most misused texts in the whole of scripture.  Isa. 14:12-15 is the first… How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I […]

Oct. 1 – Thoughts on Isa. 11-13 & Eph. 4

I have based most of my ministry on Paul’s verse from Eph. 4.  God has gifted people to lead in the church and in the Kingdom.  But we have decided that this means certain individuals are gifted to do the work of the Kingdom and the church, people like pastors, evangelists, theologians.  Paul says that […]