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Aug. 19 – Thoughts on Psalm 103-104 & 1 Cor. 2

At our wedding, we read Ps. 103 and ever since it’s been one of my favorite Psalms. “Praise the Lord!” comes first and last. We begin by calling ourselves, all of ourselves, to worship. We end by calling all in heaven and all on earth to worship. And why worship?  Because God… forgives, heals, redeems, […]

Aug. 17 – Thoughts on Psalm 97-99 & Rom. 16

Paul’s list of names that IS Rom. chapter 16 seems to be on par with the more famous Heb. 11, another list of faithfulness.  But while Heb. 11 is a list of familiar characters (from Abraham and David to the apostles themselves), this is a list of names virtually unknown to the modern church.  Besides […]

Aug. 15 – Thoughts on Psalm 91-93 & Romans 15:1-13

“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” – Rom. 15:7 ‘Nuff said. Well, not really.  “Acceptance” is too much of a buzzword in our culture today to let that pass without thought.  It’s socially acceptable to “accept” anyone and everyone, so we in the church, we […]