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Feb. 20 – Thoughts on Lev. 26-27 & Mark 2

If we claim to be following in Jesus’ footsteps, then why do we spend so much time with other Christians and so little with non-believers? According to people in 4 different congregations I’ve served, the biggest obstacle to their evangelistic efforts is not fear of sharing the good news, or persecution, or laws.  It is […]

Feb. 19 – Thoughts on Lev. 25 & Mark 1:23-45

Mark’s gospel is a good one for our busy American lifestyles.  Mark is mostly interested in Jesus’ actions and so moves faster than the other three Gospels.  With words like “immediately” and shortened tellings of our most well known stories, Mark is the gospel for the busy schedule.  And we’ve already seen that in chapter […]

Feb. 18 – Thoughts on Lev. 23-24 & Mark 1:1-22

The festival calendar of the Old Testament Jews is listed here and it is impressive… Weekly Sabbath – do no work in order to honor God. Festival of Unleavened Bread, beginning with the Passover – remember your redemption from Egypt Festival of Firstfruits – all you have is given by God, so honor Him by […]