John 1:10-14 (click to display NIV text)
December 9, 2012 (Second Sunday in Advent)
Pastor Dwight A. Nelson
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
The Wednesday prayer group has been talking about Holy Light and where we are experiencing it in our lives these days. We began by talking about light: the soft afternoon light of winter, its beauty, and if we have time to sit in it, the sense of peace it brings. There is also the bright sunrise light of summer that fills us with energy for the day. There are the lights of Christmas that bring a sense of celebration to the darkness. Then we talked about Holy Light. Holy Light touches us in many ways too, sometimes with peace and sometimes with renewed energy and sometimes with joy and gladness. Holy Light can come through music, through relationships with people, through scripture and prayer. It touches us on a furniture delivery, a morning at the food pantry, the pancakes of family Advent night, and the Christmas program that the FDF puts on for themselves after the smorgasbord. If we are looking and listening, Holy Light touches us in many ways.
This concept of Holy Light comes from the first chapter of the Gospel of John. John begins with the Word, the uncreated presence of God in the beginning, though whom everything was made. John begins with the language of creation, the language of Genesis, as he begins his Gospel of New Creation. The creation came through the Word and the New Creation comes through the Word made flesh, through Jesus Christ. In Genesis 1, the first act of creation is to call light into being. In the Gospel, it is Christ who is the light. Read more