I’ve always been fascinated with the opening to the book of Job.  And then again with the ending.  As for the middle, well, its poetry.

The scene is set in the courts of heaven.  God is there on the throne, holding court with the angels, when who should enter but Satan.  Probably the last guy I’d expect to be presenting himself before the Almighty.  I’ve read lots of explanations of this including: Read more

growSo far we’ve had two Challenges to Grow: one to read the bible together in a year (see below), and the second to Serve Others in our Community.  As we begin moving forward with our “Challenge to Grow in Serving Others”, I wanted to clarify what “Serving Others” means in this context.
“Serving” in a Missional sense means that what we do is for the Kingdom of God.  This can include serving with one of our established Mission opportunities or on our own.  We can help populations in need or a neighbor next door.  The possibilities are endless.

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