Thank you for joining us again this week! Here is the next issue of The Drive Home Newsletter! May it be a blessing to you in your walk with your family! Just click on this link to see and keep up to date on what we are doing Sunday Mornings! The Drive Home Newsletter 4/24/16

Hello Parents and families!  Here is issue 2 of the Drive Home Newsletter! I hope that it is helpful in your walk with Christ and your family!


Download The Drive Home Newsletter

Hello Parents and families! This is the Drive Home Newsletter! It is a newsletter that gives an overview of what the kids are learning about as well as some suggested questions to get the conversation started! Click on the link below to download it!

April 10 2016

sederThe Seder Celebration is an annual feast commemorating God’s salvation of His people from Egypt.  It was this meal that Jesus shared with His disciples the night before He was betrayed.  Taking elements of the Seder, Jesus pointed them to Himself and His coming crucifixion and resurrection. We know this adjusted Seder as The Lord’s Supper.

On Apr. 23, we gather in the downstairs Fellowship Hall at 4:45pm to learn about and celebrate an authentic Christian Seder.  With songs, ritual foods, readings, prayers and even a game, we will learn about the Seder and Holy Communion and how the two connect.  Bring a meal (kosher if you wish) for the potluck and join us for this 3 hour celebration!  (Nursery care is provided)