The decorations are up, the tree is fully trimmed, the presents are wrapped and the family is gathered.  Everything is ready and we all kind of mill around, not doing anything in particular because we are anticipating all that is to come.  For the Larson family that means a worship service with our friends at LCC, then our annual Christmas Eve fondue followed by unwrapping the gifts from each other and the California family.  Then it’s back to church for the later service which is just different enough to be a new service.  It’s one of the most fun and anticipated days of our family year.  But with everything ready to go, we pass the morning uneasily, checking and rechecking on things, passing the time, and just waiting.

I wonder if this is part of the feeling I get sometimes about life and the church.  Sometimes it feels like we’re just milling around, trying to see what else we have to accomplish before the Big Day.  Not finding much, we take on individual tasks and ministries, but really we’re all just waiting.  We’re all waiting for the day that Jesus returns.

Today is the last day of Advent, our season of waiting.  I think it’s fitting that we begin the liturgical year with Advent, with waiting.  Jesus is coming, and so we wait for it.  And while Advent is about waiting for Christmas, it’s also about waiting for Jesus to come again.

I hope this unease we feel with the world around us is about that.  We’re ready for Jesus to come, and so we just have to wait.  And waiting is uneasy work.  What if we forgot something?  What if it doesn’t go as planned?  What if…  So it’s good to know that we await a God of grace and mercy, of joy and hope, of purity and unity.  And when He comes, the unease and waiting will be over and Real Life will begin.  I can’t wait!

Habakkuk reads like any one of us was writing it.  Who hasn’t had a time when they have simply gone off on God, questioning Him and His decisions about this world, our lives, our families?  Who hasn’t gotten frustrated, angry, or even enraged at what seems to be injustice from God?  I know I have numerous times.

It always amazes me to see God’s patience with us in situations like this.  Whether it is Abraham bartering for Sodom, or Moses whining about his own inabilities to do what God asks, or Job questioning God’s actions, or Habakkuk yelling in rage at the Almighty, God never lashes out and never seems to lose His patience.  “Come, let us reason together,” seems to be God’s default go-to.  He answers our complaints, barters with us, and joins our debates.  And sure He always wins, but He always plays along.

When you get frustrated at God, remember it’s ok to cry out to Him.  Jesus’ own mother Mary and her entire people cried out to God so regularly that it became part of who they were.  Yet God not only didn’t lash out in His anger, but He made them part of His ultimate solution: Jesus.

Tonight we celebrate Christmas Eve, the night before Jesus’ birth.  And so we can remember that God is patient with us, that He understands us having been one of us, and that He answers our cries with the greatest solution ever: a baby in a manger.  A baby who will grow up to be a Savior on a cross, and then a Lord in Heaven.