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Remember in Prayer

Those with health concerns: Vern Johnson, Barb Zienty, Sheri DeJong, Kerstin Eriksson, Rich Kindstrom, Alyce Hawkinson, Adrienne and Bob Gullberg, James Lindley, Mark Cederberg Our newly elected Council Pastor Steve as he travels to the Midwinter Conference and a Spiritual Direction Retreat this week Kathy Khang as she travels and works in Malaysia and L.A. this week Meghan at the Youth Pastors Connection this weekend

Remember in Prayer

Those with health concerns: Barb Zienty, Sheri DeJong, Kerstin Eriksson (mother of Marie Oppedahl), Rich Kindstrom, Sophia Wojcik, Alyce Hawkinson, Barbara Hermann Hanna Monson and the work she is doing in Germany Our college students as they have concluded a term of study and many are home for the holidays Those who are missing loved ones this Christmas season whether separated by physical or emotional distance or by deat Our LCC Council as they finish […]

Remember in Prayer

 Those with health concerns: Barb Zienty, Sheri DeJong, Kerstin Eriksson (mother of Marie Oppedahl), Rich Kindstrom, Lexie Smith Covenant World Relief and the many people served by it  Mike (son of Bill & Marti) and Lauren (Griffin) Anderson as they celebrate their marriage with family and friends.