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Thank You for Coming!

                      Last Sunday’s Feed My Starving Children packing event started as a dream and a way to complete this fall’s ministry fair. After seeing it become reality on Sunday with 115 members of the LCC church family serving, laughing and being the church together it […]

Remember in Prayer

Pastoral Search Committee Connie Backstrom, Gene Sparks, Barb Zienty, Colleen Sparks, Lee Vollrath, Linda Krueger and others with health concerns Owen and Linda Youngman as they gather with family for the memorial service of Linda’s mother, Dorothy Erlandson Those in need throughout the world who benefit from Covenant World Relief Our Loved Ones as we […]


Thanksgiving Reflections

As the seasons shift and it gets colder out we approach a busy but important holiday season. In the month of November our focus as a church moves to gratitude. We want to invite you this week to think about people, experiences, and moments of gratitude. We welcome all submissions to this booklet and invite […]