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Dec. 15 – Thoughts on Amos 1-3 & Rev. 6

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse have been used time and again in popular as well as religious culture.  From the X-men to horror movies to End-Time dramas, we’ve seen them enough that most people know this image.  But few know what it was about at the time of John’s writing.  And while they are […]

Dec. 14 – Thoughts on Joel & Rev. 5

To juxtapose the Old Testament prophet (Joel) against the New Testament prophet (John) is an interesting exercise.  We can see a lot of similarities and some themes not from their message but from their prophetic message.  We’ve seen it in the Major Prophets and now in the Minor Prophets.  It’s a movement that seems the […]

Dec. 14 – Thoughts on Joel & Rev. 5

To juxtapose the Old Testament prophet (Joel) against the New Testament prophet (John) is an interesting exercise.  We can see a lot of similarities and some themes not from their message but from their prophetic message.  We’ve seen it in the Major Prophets and now in the Minor Prophets.  It’s a movement that seems the […]

Dec. 13 – Thoughts on Hosea 12-14 & Rev. 4

One of the most vivid descriptions of worship in the scriptures, Rev. 4 has become a much quoted passage when it comes to all things earthly worship.  I’ve heard it used to defend contemporary worship and traditional worship, contemplative worship and ecstatic worship, corporate worship and solitary worship.  Whatever the use, this passage is well […]