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The Twice Challenge Story

[embedit snippet=”twice-challenge-story”] Once upon a time there was a young boy who loved sailboats.  He would sit at the harbor for hours just watching the boats bob in the water, or sail out on amazing adventures, or return to the dock and to home.  So one Christmas, under the tree, wrapped in beautiful golden paper, […]

The Twice Challenge Story

[embedit snippet=”twice-challenge-story”] Once upon a time there was a young boy who loved sailboats.  He would sit at the harbor for hours just watching the boats bob in the water, or sail out on amazing adventures, or return to the dock and to home.  So one Christmas, under the tree, wrapped in beautiful golden paper, […]


The “Twice” Challenge

Do you find it easy to talk with strangers, or even friends, about Jesus?  Few of us do.  And the primary reason is fear.  We all have the opportunities, and we all know we are called to it.  Jesus told us again and again to go and tell people about Him.  But it’s a scary […]