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Dec. 5 – Thoughts on Daniel 1-2 & 1 John 4

And so in the very first chapter of Daniel we find the story of Christmas, and in the second chapter we find Easter.  Did you see it?  Did you hear it? Asked to do the impossible, the wise men rely on themselves, their power and cunning.  But these are not enough to suffice the king.  […]

Dec. 4 – Thoughts on Ezek. 47-48 & 1 John 3

God is Pro-Life!  Yes, “them’s fightin’ words” in today’s culture, but I’m not stoking an abortion argument here.  I mean it in it’s truest form.  And I’m also reflecting on this beautiful image from the 47th chapter of Ezekiel.  There we find a river running east out of the temple.  From the threshold of the […]