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Remember in Prayer

Those with health concerns: Vern Johnson, Barb Zienty, Sheri DeJong, Kerstin Eriksson, Rich Kindstrom, Barb Lansky, Larry Cholewin, John Nelson Our 3rd –5th graders and counselors going to Winterfest at Covenant Harbor this coming weekend Adrienne Gullberg and her extended family as they gather to celebrate the life of her husband, Bob.

Job 42 – Theodicy

Theodicy – the question of God’s goodness in the face of our suffering. Have you ever faced suffering and asked, “Why me, God?”  Have you ever wondered why an all-good, all-powerful, all-knowing God would allow our suffering? “If I suffer,” we think, “then either God is not all-powerful (and can’t stop it), or not all-knowing […]

Finding Our Identity

This Semester our students are going to be journeying with one another through the Bible to see how God has been at work, shaping his plan for redemption.  So where do we fit into that?  Using tools like the Enneagram and the Meyers-Briggs we are going to discover how all of our unique personalities bring something […]

Job 10 – Cracked Lenses

As I read Job’s conversation with his “friends”, I’m so reminded of the different views we have of God, and how many of them are faulty.  It’s as though different situations we are in can crack the lenses through which we look at God, and distort the truth.