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As we enter our Year of Discipleship together, we begin where we always begin, with Jesus.  What did Jesus teach us about being His Disciple, His follower?  The book of Matthew has a lot to tell us and this fall we’re going to be through it together.  Discipleship isn’t easy and it doesn’t happen by […]

Kickoff Sunday is Aug. 18!!

This year, we will be focusing on the first of our three Mission Priorities, “Growing Disciples”.  We’ll kick off our year on Aug. 18 and want to invite you to join us! 9:15am        Everyone meets outside on the Hill (if rain: in the sanctuary) for music, fun, and an introduction to our teachers and theme. […]

Summer Sunday at Seven

Every Sunday night in June and July, join us on The Hill behind the church at 7pm for music from our Praise Team, a time of prayer, and a look at how Jesus interacted with the people in His life.  Bring a blanket, a picnic or snack, a friend, or just yourself.  Every Summer Sunday […]