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Holy Week at LCC

Good Friday Worship, Mar. 30 @7pm We gather for a time of reflection on the final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry. Communion, songs and hymns, readings, videos, and prayer will lead us through Jesus’ last day before the Cross. (Crucifixion – Good Friday ©2013 Lucinda Naylor, Eyekons)   Resurrection Sunday Worship, Apr. 1 Join us at […]

Mar 16 – Thoughts on Deut. 28-29 & Mark 14:54-72

“But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer.” In a victimization society, a person’s rights are of paramount importance.  When we focus on those who have faced victimization, oppression, and individual or systemic marginalizing, public opinion will excessively side with the victimized.  Given that the alternative is society siding with unjust power structures, this may […]

Mar 15 – Thoughts on Deut. 25-27 & Mark 14:27-53

Perhaps one of the most convicting stories of human sinfulness is today’s story of Jesus in Gethsemane.  As Jesus, the Son of God, the One to whom we’ve pledged not just our lives but our eternities, is wracked with terror, grief, and loneliness, his followers fall asleep.  Now I’ve fallen asleep on people in my […]