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Feb. 12 – Thoughts on Lev. 13 & Matt. 26:26-50

The contrast between John’s rendition of Jesus’ passion and Matthew’s is striking, and no more so than here in the Garden of Gethsemane.  John, the gospel that focuses on Jesus as God, gives us a completely in control and unemotional Jesus in His last days.  Matthew, the gospel that focuses on Jesus as Messiah and […]

Feb. 11 – Thoughts on Lev. 11-12 & Matt. 26:1-25

So many of our usual assumptions are challenged or even destroyed in this half of chapter of Matthew’s gospel.  Having heard the story so often, it’s hard to understand just how unexpected this story is. Heroes aren’t tortured and killed (v2) Religious leaders are not villains (v4) Money is to be spent to better the […]

Feb. 11 – Thoughts on Lev. 11-12 & Matt. 26:1-25

So many of our usual assumptions are challenged or even destroyed in this half of chapter of Matthew’s gospel.  Having heard the story so often, it’s hard to understand just how unexpected this story is. Heroes aren’t tortured and killed (v2) Religious leaders are not villains (v4) Money is to be spent to better the […]