Posts included on the Home Page

sederThe Seder Celebration is an annual feast commemorating God’s salvation of His people from Egypt.  It was this meal that Jesus shared with His disciples the night before He was betrayed.  Taking elements of the Seder, Jesus pointed them to Himself and His coming crucifixion and resurrection. We know this adjusted Seder as The Lord’s Supper.

On Apr. 23, we gather in the downstairs Fellowship Hall at 4:45pm to learn about and celebrate an authentic Christian Seder.  With songs, ritual foods, readings, prayers and even a game, we will learn about the Seder and Holy Communion and how the two connect.  Bring a meal (kosher if you wish) for the potluck and join us for this 3 hour celebration!  (Nursery care is provided)


Holy Week

As we draw near to Holy Week once again, we have a variety of opportunities to celebrate together this most important week of our year.  Join us, bring your friends and family, and hear the story of God’s love through Jesus Christ.

Sunday, March 20 (Palm Sunday)

Sunday school for all ages @ 9:15am

Palm Sunday worship @ 10:30am (Pastor Paul Preaching)

Wednesday, March 23

NO Wed. night activities

Friday, March 25 (Good Friday)

Worship @ 7:00pm (Nursery care provided)

Sunday, March 27 (Resurrection Sunday)

Finger Food Fellowship @ 9:15am (No Sunday School)

Easter Egg hunt and story for all kids @ 10:00am

Easter Sunday Worship @ 10:30am

LentWe have had many requests for a Lenten Devotional series similar to the one we do at Advent.  But with Lent beginning so early this year and with much going on in the office, we decided early on that we would not put out a publication of Devotionals.  Instead, we would post something here on our website each day through Lent this year.  These devotionals will be found in the Pastor’s Blog section which can be found in the column at the lower right of the screen or by clicking on the graphic to the right.  We will not be posting on days when we gather for worship (Ash Wednesday, Sundays, Good Friday) but the other days will be a variety of devotionals ranging from personal testimonies of our LCC family to devotional thoughts to bible studies to passages of scripture that have meant a lot to us.  So may your Lenten journey be fruitful as you pray, fast, ponder, and prepare for our celebration of the Cross and Resurrection.

reconnect with GodIt’s retreat season here at LCC.  We have retreats for our children (WinterFest), for our Middle schoolers (Deep Freeze), for our High schoolers (OneLife), and for our men (Covenant Point Men’s Retreat and Luminos).  Please make sure you have your forms turned in if you are attending any of our youth retreats, and if you’re interested in our WinterFest or either of the Men’s retreats, let us know.  All are welcome!

Bean and BaileyWant a wonderful evening out full of food, laughter and friends?  Then join us on Jan. 9 at 5:30pm for the Covenant Comedy Cafe!  Beginning with a catered dinner followed up with a night of comedy and music by comedians Bean and Bailey, this promises to be a night you won’t forget.  Tickets are $25 (or $15 for just the show) and childcare is provided.  Bring the whole family and laugh the winter blues away.  Click here to request tickets.