Luke 21:25-36 (click to display NIV text)
December 2, 2012 (First Sunday in Advent)
Pastor Dwight A. Nelson
“When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
What was it like to be a follower of Jesus in the early years of the church? The disciples and others watched him be crucified in the year 33. Soon after the beginning of the church, they began to experience opposition and persecution, from the Jewish leaders, then from local communities, and finally from the Romans. During the 60’s there were rebellions, and messianic figures came predicting the end of the world and calling the people to arms. Then in 70, the Romans formed a siege around Jerusalem and waited for them to starve. They destroyed Jerusalem and burned the temple. Josephus wrote of the burning of the temple, “Now many who were emaciated and tongue-tied from starvation, when they beheld the sanctuary on fire, gathered strength once more for lamentations and wailing.” This was a very difficult time to live, filled with anxiety and deep grief. They felt the earth shaking, their security was torn away, and it seemed like all hope was lost.
Just before Jesus was crucified, when he came into Jerusalem, he went to the temple and spoke very honestly about what was to come. In 20 B.C., Herod the Great began the project of rebuilding the temple, doubling its size and making it an astonishing building with gold, marble and precious stones. When Jesus went to the cross, the building project was over 50 years old, and yet it would not be completed until A.D. 64. So it was just 6 years old when the Romans destroyed it, and it had been built for the ages. Jesus then speaks very honestly about what is to come. Read more