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One service – or two?

We will be having a congregational meeting on July 28th shortly after the service. Our primary focus of the meeting will be to discuss the council’s recommendation to move to one service in the fall during this transition period.  The main goal is preservation of resources and the advantage of worshiping together as a unified body.    

Remember in Prayer

Pastoral Search Committee Fritz Lansky Brent Keller Lisa Kindstrom Bill Purtzer The 29 Senior High Youth, Counselors and the group from Mexico as they travel to South Dakota Landon Johnson, Griffin Johnson, Noah James, Owen Aaberg and Peyton Gomez at Covenant Point this week

Remember in Prayer

Pastoral Search Committee Holly and Thomas LaPradd who will be campers at Covenant Point this week Maria, who will be the camp pastor and speaker for the 2nd –5th graders this week Fritz and Barb Lansky Brent and Brittani Keller as he begins chemo treatments Lisa Kindstrom who is recovering from knee replacement surgery Steve, […]