Entries by

March 7 – What matters most

What matters most to you?  What is the most important thing you could receive right now?  Maybe this is the “genie’s 3 wishes” question, or the “if you won the lottery” question.  If you could ask for anything, what would your request be? As Jesus turns toward Jerusalem for the last time, he meets along […]

March 4 – Getting political

Lent, the season of repentance.  And we as a nation have much for which to repent these days. I have made it my practice to get involved in politics to the same extent that Jesus did, which is not much at all.  But the political debate in Flint, MI last night was the final straw […]

March 3 – Being Real

How real do you allow  yourself to be with, well, yourself?  How well do you know yourself? Too often we are afraid of what we’ll find when we truly get to know ourselves.  We’re afraid of the weakness and fear, the doubt and worry, the anger and hurt.  So we hide it behind a mask […]

March 2 – The Rest of Steve’s Story

For the first part of Steve’s story, click the “Pastor’s Blog” link under “Categories” at the lower right of your screen and see the March 1 entry. Since elementary school, I had heard about the older kids going to “CHIC” and though I didn’t know what it was, I knew they returned from it changed. […]

March 1 – Steve’s Story

Lent is a time to remember and reflect.  So we’ve asked a number of people to share their stories with us.  Today, we hear from Steve Larson, one of our pastors… Born in Livonia, MI, my parents raised me in the church on 8 Mile Road which eventually moved to Farmington Hills and became Faith […]