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Remember in Prayer

Those with health concerns: Vern Johnson, Barb Zienty (now at Holy Family in Des Plaines), Sheri DeJong, Rich Kindstrom, Karin Swanson, Connie Beckstrom The search process for the Associate to Youth and Children’s Ministries positions Our students as they prepare for CHIC this summer The teams forming to prepare for our summer ministries

Winter Highlights!

We have had a blast at our retreats this winter; our Sr. High group went to Covenant Point in January where we heard from Tim Ciccone, played Braveheart in the snow (Taylor went Beast Mode on a guy from the other team!), tore it up on the Broomball courts (Ahem, Philip!) and worshipped together through […]

FDF 2015 Schedule

Our Fireside Dinner Fellowship has some really fun activities planned for 2015.  Below is a list of each month’s fun, but for details and a complete list, click here! Feb. 26 @1pm – Afternoon lunch at Szechwan Kingdom Buffet Mar. 19 @ 1pm – Irish Meal and Bits of Irish Trivia and Fun at the […]