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Sept. 28 – Thoughts on Isa. 5-6 & Eph. 1

Does God really know everything?  This question has been at the heart of some of the biggest arguments in theology.  If God knows everything that is going to happen, then does predestination come into play?  Is there a difference between knowing what is going to happen and causing it?  What’s the point of trying to […]

Sept. 26 – Thoughts on Isa. 1-2 & Gal. 5

Both readings from today reflect a common theme: what does God want, anyway? Isaiah says we are wrong to think that God wants religious obedience.  Festivals, offerings, Holy days… going through the motions is of no interest to God.  Today, these are people who go to church on Sundays, give the required offerings, but that’s […]