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July 4 – Thoughts on Job 28-29 & Acts 13:1-25

Interlude:  Wisdom In the midst of Job’s argument with his friends, there is this brief interlude likening wisdom to fine gems.  The mining metaphor, the preciousness of wisdom, and its elusiveness are all beautifully and poetically on display. But why wisdom?  Isn’t obedience the most valuable part of our faith?  Isn’t faithfulness more precious than […]

July 3 – Thoughts on Job 25-27 & Acts 12

Herod Agrippa, grandson of Herod the Great of Jesus’ birth narrative, is the leader of the Roman Empire in Judah.  And as a political animal, he tests the waters about these followers of “The Way” by taking one of their leaders, James the “Son of Thunder” and one of the 12 apostles, and killing him.  […]

LCC T-shirts for Sale!

Our LCC Tshirts are getting rave reviews!  “This is the most comfortable shirt I’ve ever worn!” said one of our church friends.  “I love being able to put our church name out there for people to see,” said a member.  Whatever your reason may be, you can pick up one of these amazing shirts at […]

July 2 – Thoughts on Job 22-24 & Acts 11

Peter’s leaders are not happy with his behavior in Ceaserea with Cornelius and family.  Peter is both a leader in the church and also obviously a very well-known figure.  So if he’s not  only conferring with, and not only going home with, but also baptizing a Roman Centurion, gentile and oppressor though he is, then […]

July 1 – Thoughts on Job 20-21 & Acts 10:24-48

Caesarea, a city named in honor of Caesar Augustus, was the headquarters of the Roman Legion.  It makes sense, then, that Cornelius would live there, being a centurion in that Legion.  But it doesn’t make any sense that Peter would go with him into the mouth of the oppressor.  Not only would a resident of […]