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June 12 – Thoughts on Ezra 3-5 & John 20

“These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.”  John 20:31 This is the theme verse for John’s gospel and originally the final verse of the book.  It was probably later, after John’s original writing, that Ch. […]

June 11 – Thoughts on Ezra 1-2 & John 19:23-42

Perhaps we’re getting tired of hearing this, but in Jesus’ last moments, like in the whole of His passion week, Jesus is in complete control.  He has orchestrated the events of His own death because He is fully obedient to the Father’s will, and the Father’s will is that He die for the people, die […]

June 8 – Thoughts on 2 Chron. 30-31 & John 18:1-18

Today, we begin the Passion narrative of the Gospel of John.  Not every gospel records Jesus’ birth, and few of the miracles are in all four.  But the last week of Jesus’ life, the Passion narrative, is clearly and consistently found in every gospel narrative and beyond.  Yet John’s presentation of His last days takes […]