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Apr. 19 – Thoughts on 2 Samuel 6-8 & Luke 15:1-10

David solidifies his reign with the return of the ark of the covenant.  It has been in Abinadab’s possession since it was returned by their enemies.  This is the key to David’s reign because it was believed that God communicated from between the cherubim on the ark’s cover.  This was God Himself coming to reside […]

Apr. 19 – Thoughts on 2 Samuel 6-8 & Luke 15:1-10

David solidifies his reign with the return of the ark of the covenant.  It has been in Abinadab’s possession since it was returned by their enemies.  This is the key to David’s reign because it was believed that God communicated from between the cherubim on the ark’s cover.  This was God Himself coming to reside […]

Apr. 18 – Thoughts on 2 Samuel 3-5 & Luke 14:25-35

Change is never easy.  “All change is experienced as loss,” someone once said and I agree.  “All loss bring grief,” another said and again I agree.  As we face change, we face the stages of our grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and ultimately acceptance.  Because of our and other’s behaviors in these stages, we fear […]

All Church Workday

Join us on Saturday, Apr. 21 from 8am – noon for our Spring church workday.  There are plenty of jobs for all ages and skill levels.  Come and build relationships as you build the church.

Apr. 17 – Thoughts on 2 Samuel 1-2 & Luke 14:1-24

As Saul’s and David’s generals continue their war, let’s turn to Jesus today.  All of Jesus’ parables bear directly on our lives, but today’s is unusually apropos for churches today. It begins with a table guest, we assume a Pharisee since that is the crowd with whom Jesus is eating at the moment, trying to […]