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Seder Presentation

On Friday evening, March 16, Dr. Boaz Johnson of North Park University will lead us in a celebration of the Seder.  Traditionally this is a meal shared by every Jewish family on the evening of Passover.  While we will not be dining together, we will be learning about this celebration and taking part in the […]

Feb. 28 – Thoughts on Num. 17-19 & Mark 6:30-56

It has always confused and amazed me that Jesus’ power was such that even touching something that He touched brought healing.  Here, we see that the sick can touch the edge of Jesus’ cloak and be healed.  This changes the way we think of Jesus’ healing and miracles in general. We generally consider Jesus’ miracles […]

Feb. 26 – Thoughts on Num. 12-14 & Mark 5:21-43

This is one of the most intriguing passages in all of scripture for me.  God’s faithfulness to His people, the faith of the leadership of Israel, and the faithlessness of the people are all held in strong counterpoint to one another.  After all this time, beginning with Jacob coming to Joseph in Egypt, or maybe […]