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We are still looking for another delegate for our Denominational Annual Meeting in Detroit, June 27-30, 2013.  Please contact the church office or Trevor James ([email protected]) if you are considering going.


Covenant Point and Covenant Harbor Summer Camps fill up fast & the Early Bird Discount Deadline is March 15th. LCC Scholarship/Discount Forms are at the Information Desk.



Check the camp websites for details or  We want to know which weeks your kids will be at camp this summer.

A Congregational Meeting will be held on March 17, at 12:30 p.m. at which time we will be electing people to serve on our Pastoral Search Committee. If you would like to submit your name or to nominate someone to consider serving, forms will be available in the Sunday bulletins or you can do so online.  If you have any questions about this process please contact Trevor James at [email protected].

The Council hopes to have a good cross section of our Congregation from which we can select the 9 person committee. All nominations must be received by Sunday, March 3rd. Our process is going to adhere to our church By-Laws.