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The Deacons are in the process of planning the Winter Retreat at St. Mary of the Lake Conference Center in Mundelein. The Streams & Pathways retreat has been a very meaningful experience for those who have attended in previous years. It is a retret designed to introduce spiritual practices to enrich your prayer life. Below is a link to sign up for the one day event, Saturday, February 9, 2013, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (including lunch). Please let us know if you think you will be able to join the group this year. 


Sign up Here!

The Deacons are in the process of planning the Winter Retreat at St. Mary of the Lake Conference Center in Mundelein. The Streams & Pathways retreat has been a very meaningful experience for those who have attended in previous years. It is a retret designed to introduce spiritual practices to enrich your prayer life. Below is a link to sign up for the one day event, Saturday, February 9, 2013, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (including lunch). Please let us know if you think you will be able to join the group this year. 


Sign up Here!

You are invited to join us for a four week series that will alert us to some of the growing concerns facing the church today and two of the leading strategies that can help a church like Libertyville Covenant develop deep and lasting faithfor the entire church.  Each session has a video component from some of the leading voices in our country who are addressing these growing concerns facing the church.   Our sessions will entail health conversations and hands on experiences!  High School Students are invited to participate in the first two weeks of the series, January 6th and 13th.  Please consider joining this important conversation!

[vimeo clip_id=”33564282″ width=”500″ height=”281″]

Advent is a special time of year when we wait expectantly for the joy of Christmas. Advent is a season filled with rich imagery, colors and symbols. One of the most powerful images that comes out of this season is that of light. As Christians we journey through advent by lighting candles in preparation of a much larger and brighter light. John says it well in his Gospel, “The true light that gives light to every- one was coming into the world”, and then a few verses later John de- clares this powerful statement, “the word became flesh.” Our focus this advent season is on the task of “rediscovering the light.” It is easy to be overwhelmed by the details of the season and forget the larger event that took place two thousand years ago when God sent his light into the world through the birth of his son.

In years past we have passed out and offered Advent Devotionals. This year instead of a devotional we are giving you a list of possible activities that are meant to help you and your family redis- cover the light of Christ. Our challenge to you is to choose one activity each week during Advent to complete together as a family. We are giving each family four glow sticks one for each week. As you choose and participate in these activities activate one glow stick as a re- minder of the presence of the light of Christ in whichever activity you are completing. You are not limited to four and we have given you a wide variety of activities to choose from for all ages. Enjoy this season of advent and let’s rediscover the light of Christ.

2012 LCC Advent Activity Guide