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Good Friday Worship, Mar. 30 @7pm
We gather for a time of reflection on the final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
Communion, songs and hymns, readings, videos, and prayer will lead us through Jesus’ last day before the Cross.
(Crucifixion – Good Friday ©2013 Lucinda Naylor, Eyekons)
Resurrection Sunday Worship, Apr. 1
Join us at 9:15am for a pancake Easter Breakfast downstairs sponsored by our youth as a fundraiser for CHIC this summer.
Then at 10:30am we gather for the ultimate worship celebration of the Christian Year. Come and sing, praise, pray and wonder as we ponder “What if?”. All are welcome!
On Friday evening, March 16, Dr. Boaz Johnson of North Park University will lead us in a celebration of the Seder. Traditionally this is a meal shared by every Jewish family on the evening of Passover. While we will not be dining together, we will be learning about this celebration and taking part in the ritual aspects of it. All are welcome to this family event, so join us from 7-9pm. Sign up here or click the picture to the left to reserve your seats.
On Sunday, Jan. 28, we welcome Gary and Mary Lou Sander to the pulpit to share God’s word and their mission work in Colombia. The Sanders led our mission team that served in Medellin this last summer. After the service, all are welcomed to join us for a Baked Potato Bar lunch. Everything is provided, but as our first CHIC fundraiser, we ask that you come prepared to donate the cost of your meals to our CHIC students. Finally, we gather upstairs again for our Annual Meeting. We’ll vote on leaders and a budget for the coming year, hear about suggestions for a new leadership model for our church, and form a leadership team for our Jill’s House Ministry. Plan for a long morning and join us!
On Sunday, Jan. 28, we welcome Gary and Mary Lou Sander to the pulpit to share God’s word and their mission work in Colombia. The Sanders led our mission team that served in Medellin this last summer. After the service, all are welcomed to join us for a Baked Potato Bar lunch. Everything is provided, but as our first CHIC fundraiser, we ask that you come prepared to donate the cost of your meals to our CHIC students. Finally, we gather upstairs again for our Annual Meeting. We’ll vote on leaders and a budget for the coming year, hear about suggestions for a new leadership model for our church, and form a leadership team for our Jill’s House Ministry. Plan for a long morning and join us!