Our May newsletter is now available! To download it, click here
Drop off Day May 23 9 a.m. – Noon
Sale Days May 29 & 30
The rummage sale is a great fundraiser for our church and always includes hours of fellowship and fun. Your help is greatly needed & appreciated!
Please start saving your treasures to donate now. WE NEED YOUR THINGS! If you are unable to store your things until the drop off day, please let us know & we will do our best to find space until the sale. Nancy McLinden has again agreed to be our sale coordinator. We are working on storage options. If you have a space you would be willing to let us use til the end of May, please let us know. Call or email the church office if you have questions. 847-362-3308 or [email protected] . . . THANK YOU!
Please plan to help as much as possible during drop off day, the week of pricing, and on the sale days! AND when you visit a garage sale invite them to give us things that are left. Consider finding a buddy and committing to coordinate a room of our sale—sign up sheets are in the narthex so think of the area(s) you would like to focus on & recruit some friends to join you in a worthy short term project.
In the past 20 years that we have been recording the rummage sale figures we have earned $116,768 to help send many of our youth to camps, retreats, CHIC and on Mission Trips. . . . THANK YOU!
The Outreach Committee has been looking forward to our annual fund drive to sup-
port the Food Pantry we are involved with in Waukegan. The goal is to raise over
$5000 in support of this important ministry. We invite you to give as you are able as
we collect for this important ministry over the next two weeks. Thank you.